dimecres, 9 d’agost del 2017


Hi everyone!!

This year’s summer camp is over and we had so much fun!! We are so excited to share many pictures and videos with you! 

The theme area was Cinema & Theater, and we learned a lot! 

Workshops from this year have been:
  • Make-up: we focused on the week’s character and created costumes and masks, and we also painted our faces.
  • Movie Acting: we recorded a short about the week’s character and learned some cinema vocabulary. Lights, camera… Action!!!
  • Work Out: we played tennis, basketball, volleyball, football and baseball. We loved all sports!
  • Master Chef: we prepared a monster sandwich, a lemonade slush and a healthy fruit brochette. Yummy!!
  • Mad Science: we did many experiments using all characters’ superpowers (speed, strength, flight…). We liked so much walking on eggs, creating a boomerang and doing balloon rocket races!
  • But we also had Art & Craft, Cinema Time, Water Games, Water Gymkhana… And two field trips and an entertainment show
Come and see!! And get ready for next year!


Hola a tothom!!

Ja hem acabat el summer camp d’aquest any, i ens ho hem passat d’allò més bé!! Estem molt contents de poder compartir moltes fotografies i vídeos amb vosaltres! 

El centre d’interès ha estat el cinema i el teatre, i n’hem après molt! 

Hem tingut els següents tallers:
  • Make-up: hem treballat el personatge de la setmana i hem creat disfresses i antifaços, i també hem fet maquillatge facial.
  • Movie Acting: hem gravat un curt sobre el personatge de la setmana i hem après vocabulari de cinema. Llums, càmera... Acció!
  • Work Out: hem jugat a tennis, bàsquet, voleibol, futbol i beisbol. Ens han agradat tots els esports!
  • Master Chef: hem preparat un monster sandwich, un granissat de llimona i una saníssima broqueta de fruita. Nyam!!
  • Mad Science: hem fet molts experiments tot seguint els superpoders de tots els personatges (velocitat, força, vol...). Ens hem divertit molt caminant per sobre d’ous, creant un boomerang i fent carreres de globus coet!
  • Però també hem fet Art & Craft, Cinema Time, Water Games, Water Gymkhana… I dues excursions i un espectacle sorpresa! 

Feu-hi un cop d’ull!! I prepareu-vos per l’any vinent!