Hi everyone!!
This year’s summer camp is over and we had so much fun!! We are so excited to share many pictures and videos with you!
The theme area was Cinema & Theater, and we learned a lot!
Workshops from this year have been:
- Make-up: we focused on the week’s character and created costumes and masks, and we also painted our faces.
- Movie Acting: we recorded a short about the week’s character and learned some cinema vocabulary. Lights, camera… Action!!!
- Work Out: we played tennis, basketball, volleyball, football and baseball. We loved all sports!
- Master Chef: we prepared a monster sandwich, a lemonade slush and a healthy fruit brochette. Yummy!!
- Mad Science: we did many experiments using all characters’ superpowers (speed, strength, flight…). We liked so much walking on eggs, creating a boomerang and doing balloon rocket races!
- But we also had Art & Craft, Cinema Time, Water Games, Water Gymkhana… And two field trips and an entertainment show!
Hola a tothom!!
Ja hem acabat el summer camp d’aquest any, i ens ho hem passat d’allò més bé!! Estem molt contents de poder compartir moltes fotografies i vídeos amb vosaltres!
El centre d’interès ha estat el cinema i el teatre, i n’hem après molt!
Hem tingut els següents tallers:
- Make-up: hem treballat el personatge de la setmana i hem creat disfresses i antifaços, i també hem fet maquillatge facial.
- Movie Acting: hem gravat un curt sobre el personatge de la setmana i hem après vocabulari de cinema. Llums, càmera... Acció!
- Work Out: hem jugat a tennis, bàsquet, voleibol, futbol i beisbol. Ens han agradat tots els esports!
- Master Chef: hem preparat un monster sandwich, un granissat de llimona i una saníssima broqueta de fruita. Nyam!!
- Mad Science: hem fet molts experiments tot seguint els superpoders de tots els personatges (velocitat, força, vol...). Ens hem divertit molt caminant per sobre d’ous, creant un boomerang i fent carreres de globus coet!
- Però també hem fet Art & Craft, Cinema Time, Water Games, Water Gymkhana… I dues excursions i un espectacle sorpresa!
Feu-hi un cop d’ull!! I prepareu-vos per l’any vinent!